Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Lookit that hummingbird tiny Elvis, that thing is HUGE! - 16 March 2009

From Cusco we took a bus to another town where we grabbed some breakfast while the guide arranged the rest of the porters for the trek.  This is similar to our experience on Kilimanjaro, where the porters are basically free agents.  Again, these guys do more work for less money than I can imagine.

Then another ride on the bus (this time with the entire crew) and it was time to start the trek.  Here we are at the beginning, when the trek was exciting and new:

Today's hike wasn't very strenuous, but there was plenty to see, from giant bugs:

To giant hummingbirds:

The picture doesn't do justice to the hummingbirds. The first time I saw one of them I had to look twice - it was so big I couldn't believe it was a hummingbird.

Jeremy made lots of new friends along the way:

Of course he tried to stop making friends after our guide, Oscar, came over and said "Be careful, they have fleas" - but to no avail:

Speaking of Oscar, here he is along with a sign showing the elevation along the Inca Trail:

We got to our camp early in the day, and rested until it was time for dinner. Here
Frain, one of our porters, is placing a light so we can see dinner:

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