Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Calm (Torres del Paine Days 4 -6) - 27 February - 1 March 2009

The next three days went off without incident. We moved from Refugio Dickson to Camp Perros, with a rainbow to see us on our way:

When we got to Perros we had a moment of confusion:

When did we get back to Texas? Oh, wait, that's the Chilean flag.

From Perros (which is Spanish for the dogs, BTW) to Campo Passo - imaginatively named because it's the first camp after the pass (or before, if you go the other way). We've seen a lot of glaciers along the way, but the view of Grey Glacier is the most spectacular yet:

At camp that night our guide, Serkhan, made us a delicious meal of linguine con calamari:

From Campo Passo we moved on to Camp Grey watching the glacier and eating calafate berries along the way. A calafate is like a blueberry, only not as tangy, and with more seeds. It'll still stain your tongue and fingers, though:

We got to Camp Grey, where we camped in a tent but ate in the refugio, and climbed into our tent to go to sleep after dinner. I wasn't feeling well, so I had a plastic bag nearby in case of an emergency during the night.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

you look a little like gene simmons with a purple tounge.