Monday, March 23, 2009

No, they didn't change it to Mal Aires just because I'm here (Buenos Aires) - 15 - 19 February 2009

To the ever expanding list of things I didn't expect add the look of Buenos Aires.  It's like being in a European city.  We took a walking tour of the city and for all I could tell we could have been in Italy.

Another surprise was
La Recoleta cemetery. We were both reminded of New Orleans by the above-ground tombs.

Of course, the most famous person buried in La
Recoleta is Eva Peron, better known as Evita.

And speaking of Evita, here's the
Casa Rosada where Eva Peron rallied the descamisados. Later, Madonna was filmed here for the movie Evita:

We had a nice, relaxing time in
Buenos Aires. We ate lots of very good Italian food and even took in a tango show at El Querandi. They showcased tango through the years, and put on an impressive and exhilarating show. It's especially hard to believe they cram a band and six dancers onto the tiny stage without everything degenerating into chaos.

Oh, and on a personal note, if you've ever accused me of using
earnest singing face, I'd like to show you true use of earnest singing face:

I have no idea what this guy was singing (no
hablamos espanol), but he was definitely going for it (and hamming it up the whole way).

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