Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I'm an excellent driver - 22 November 2008

If you're a married man there are certain givens about your behavior.

You are most likely responsible for taking out the trash, you probably horde the TV remote, and you probably flip channels at a rate your wife finds annoying (and that's being charitable).

The above are probably true, but I can guarantee that you think you're a better driver than your wife. Even the poor schlub married to Danica Patrick believes he's a better driver than she is, and she drives competitively for crying out loud!

The real test is whether you can continue to hold this belief in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Consider:

Most countries in the world drive on the left-hand side of the road. To accommodate this difference cars are configured backwards compared to the U.S. The steering wheel is on the right-hand side of the car, the blinker is on the right side of the steering column, and the windshield wiper controls are on the left-hand side of the steering column. You can tell if someone's from the U.S. by the frantic motion of their windshield wipers as they make a turn.

I tend to drive to the extreme left of the lane, and move over to the right when there's oncoming traffic. It's probably something I picked up from my father. Here, though, that's a problem because it puts me close to the side of the street, and things like parked cars, road signs, pedestrians, etc. I've noticed Jennifer tensing up several times over the last few days (and even the occasional startled intake of breath) but mostly I've just chalked it up to being too cautious.

Today, though, I got my comeuppance. We were headed back to the airport when I managed to clip the mirror of a vehicle in the left-hand turn lane with my mirror (I was in the right-hand turn lane). Thankfully it didn't mess up the other guy's car (he looked at it and just waved me on), and in another lucky break my mirror folded in and pinched the glass (which had popped lose) against the door of the car.

Avis was able to pop the mirror back into place, so I didn't even have to pay for the mishap. More accurately, I didn't have to pay money. Jen's got a pretty compelling argument about who's the better driver in the family.


Shelley said...

Just glad everyone is ok!! I've been catching up with your trip these past few days. We saw your dad at Grandpa's house over Christmas and he shared your blog with us. I've enjoyed these past few days sitting here at my desk in North Texas, feeling like I'm a thousand miles away. But glad it's you and not me!!

Shelley Hodges (and Shannon read a little bit too!)

Kegster said...

pI avoid driving on the "wrong" side of the road as it sounds like my drving habits are very much the same as yours. I am glad your close call ended as well as it did. Enjoyed reading some of your recent blogging and Courtney and I hope you are having a great time even with all the car travel time.

chadwick said...


Hey, glad that you're enjoying the blog - you've got to try the fish pedicure, though :)